Soundtracks for self – hypnosis and meditation.

Series of extended tracks, typically 30 minutes or so long, that aim to explore the hypnotic and psychological elements of music at a deeper level and afford the listener a space for self reflection.

Original album artwork.

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The music for Spider’s web music is aleatory in nature. Built upon a single improvisation or ex tempore as church organ soloists may often perform. Consisting of three elements, each one providing the platform through which the roles of web, spider and victim are all intimately explored. Consonance and dissonance,  as conflict and resolution come to represent metaphorically some of our most claustrophobic fears, and play out in eternal imagery across the sound stage. 

The Blue Hour – Video

The Blue Hour is created specifically to help people who have difficulty with their natural sleep cycle. Featuring gentle repetitive sequences, it incorporates spoken word imagery and metaphor alongside hypnotic musical devices to help gently lull the listener into an ever more, deeply relaxed state of self-hypnosis and so on to blissful slumber.